Full Body Thermography

The full body scan is a popular prevention scan. Both men and women choose to have this scan performed yearly, to monitor their total health. Full body scans evaluate everything from the top of the head to the bottom of the feet (includes the full breast series). This scan provides a wealth of information that can help you target the root cause of many issues or give you early warning signs of impending issues. (Please note–thermography cannot be used to asses the brain, prostate, or testes).



The full body scan will screen for indications of:





You may opt to have a half or full body scan in place of your annual breast screen. A 90-day breast screening follow-up is still required to complete your baseline after your initial exam. For details about the complete breast package, see breast thermography.  

Preparing for your Full Body Thermogram


  • For 24 hours prior to your scan – avoid heavy exercise, acupuncture, massage, sauna or steam rooms.
  • For 2 hours prior to your scan – avoid exercise and hot or cold showering. Do not shave under your arms or use deodorant, skin creams or lotion in the areas to be imaged. 
  • MEN: to best view the dental and thyroid area, it is best if facial hair is removed. Avoid doing this just before your scan.
  • Avoid sun exposure the day of the test. For best result, you should not have had a sun burn or have used a tanning booth within a week of your test.
  • Please wear loose fitting clothing the day of your scan. Your scan will be delayed until irritation marks from tight fitting clothing have dissipated.
  • No changes in diet or medication are necessary.

Note: you must wait 3 months after pregnancy, nursing, major breast surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation before having a breast scan, and at least 1 month after a biopsy or minor surgery, such as mole removal, for results to be accurate.






What to Expect


You will be asked to disrobe all clothing down to your underwear and remove all jewelry. We will supply you with a lightweight cover to wear for privacy while you acclimate to the room’s temperature. Prior to your scan, we will review your intake form with you. Please be sure to inform us of any recent skin lesions that may affect the results. Thermal images of the full body will then be taken. Following your scan, we will review your images with you and answer any questions you may have. Your scans will be sent to a physician for interpretation. Reports are normally back within 48 hours and will be securely e-mailed to you (unless alternate method requested).

You are welcome to bring a companion or partner to be present during your examination and image review.

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